Monday, 22 November 2010

Deer Sir

Susans microfiction monday (please see my link) (OK I'll shoot away)

'if you want to get ahead, get a hat'
~ ~ ~
can'think right now, just off the top of my head, Oh wait I have an i deer

~ ~ ~
*sings* 'I ain't got nobody...'

~ ~ ~
#soccer ~ over here On me head son

~ ~ ~
I fancied Rudolf to win the race so I put a book on him to win by a head

~ ~ ~
welcome to the new school head (hoo ho)

I best stop before I get ahead of myself (ouch) lol

Monday, 15 November 2010


Mexican Microfiction ~ double shots? ~ no triple :)

Pancho the ponchoed baton twirler asked to borrow my burro, I had to cochineal & beetled off

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Aye Caramba! Mr. Eastwoods cheroot has gotten larger since he won that oscar for Unforgiven

I heard word Pablo could whittle a small but astonishingly realistic scale model of the Alamo under that Poncho

couldn't resist :)

Saturday, 13 November 2010

Body of Work: Lost

Body of Work: Lost: "Yesterday I misplaced my cell phone. I was pretty sure it was somewhere around the house under the stacks of old newspapers, rotting mangos ..."

Monday, 8 November 2010

Stony River: a writing life: Microfiction Monday #56

Stony River: a writing life: Microfiction Monday #56: "Welcome to Microfiction Monday, where a picture paints 140 characters, or even fewer. Here's this week's picture, followed by my story for ..."

Sparks Alive

Image from Susan #56 #microfiction www.stonyriver blogger Stony River
Image Prompt

'sliding rides on butt made numb
sparks alive more leaves to come'

(c) Lib

giant acorns

Let Hansel follow his stupid crumbs home;
Gretel had more dignity than to go
where she wasn’t wanted.
She left him to go see L’il Red, instead.

Gretel veered left thro’ leaves
Watching squirrels gigantic acorns deftly ease
© Lib 140 characters or less for #Mondaymicrofiction